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Tran Minh Tuan

Sinh viên Chương trình Đào tạo Đặc biệt khóa thứ I, Chủ tịch Hội Sinh viên trường Đại học Mở TP.HCM nhiệm kỳ 2007 – 2009

“Success is sharing. Success is the process of connecting people. And, succes is non-stop.”

(Excerpt from the speech of student Tran Minh Tuan in The Graduation Ceremony of the Student from School of Advanced Study)

Thank you for these years of studying at the School of Advanced Study of Ho Chi Minh City Open University. Thank you all our lectures, who have been dedicated and enthusiastic in teaching us. Thank you all staffs of School of Advanced Study for supporting us during the past 4 years of activities and studying.