18/04/2022 The School of Advanced Study announces the second semester plan for the 2022-2023 University year as follows: Content Time Note Online course registration Registered at: https://dkmh.ou.edu.vn/ 05/25/2022 to 06/08/2022 Semester 2/22-23 course registration plan of advanced study programs, see …
24/06/2022 Students see details here. Department of Investment Management SAS.
24/11/2022 Students see as follows here SAS.
21/09/2022 The School of Advanced Study (SAS) announces the list of graduates for the September 2022 review and the list of students who achieved high academic achievements in the whole course for students of the class of 2018.Students can view …
15/12/2022 Pursuant to Decision No. 2574/QD-DHM dated October 5, 2022 of the Open University of Ho Chi Minh City on promulgating the Project “Using teaching assistants in training organizations for advanced study programs” in the school year 2022 – 2023; …
21/10/2022 Students of the Faculty of Electrical and Engineering, students of the International Program: 2nd year students or more; have a cumulative GPA up to the time of being selected as a teaching assistant with a score of 2.50 or …
Based on Decision No. 656/QD0-ĐHM on the promulgation of the Project “Using teaching assistants in training organizations for high-quality programs (Teaching Assistant for Advanced Studies)” signed by the School Rector on 4 May 2020 and the actual situation; The Faculty …
25/04/2022 Students see details in attached files below: 1. List of equivalent accounting majors.pdf2. List of equivalents in the English language.pdf3. List of equivalents in Economic Law.pdf4. List of equivalents in Business Administration.PDF5. Equivalent list of Banking and Finance.PDF List of Equality-Alternative Courses between Training …